Who are The I-73 Obstructionists?
(also see my news page)

THE LATEST great i-73 NEWS AS OF 9/2/2021 is:

Federal lawsuit holding up I-73 dismissed,
allowing project to move forward

(Click on the link above to read WPDE’s news article)

(Wouldn’t The Coastal Conservation League’s time be better spent continuing the fight against offshore drilling, rather than continuing the fight against every road project there is in Horry County as they sit by their interstate and other well-built roads? I think so.)

·    The Coastal Conservation League and Southern Environmental Law Center waste time and your tax dollars with never-ending lawsuits.  Remember, a Conservationist’s Job IS to Impede and Halt, as they tout Fantasy Projects to distract you from the Real Projects. They don’t tell you what they got in the mitigation for the I-73 project. The I-73 project involves 324.1 Acres of Other Waters Including Wetlands. The conservationists won a prize of 4,583 Protected Acres of Wetlands in the mitigation. (Oops, they forgot to tell you that part). Groups like the CCL receive grants to turn around and file lawsuits time and time again against projects.

·     Politically-Motivated Fake News Media including the South Carolina Policy Council and The Nerve work against the people of South Carolina and they are politically motivated. They are out of Columbia, riding on multiple interstates and trying to use I-73 as a pawn in their political game playing. (Quite the hypocrites - don’t you think? And just what is their hidden agenda?)

·     Fake News Media supported by Conservationists. (What news media outlet do you subscribe to? Please Do Your Own Research and Cancel Your Subscription.)

·     Fake News Media with obvious personal vendettas, namely David Hucks, born and raised in Horry County. He uses his website as a weapon to attack every local leader and anyone who is for I73, including the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce, an organization that has a history of nice people who work hard for the Grand Strand region, and an organization chartered in 1938, way…before Mr. Hucks was ever born. Mr. Hucks accidentally spilled the beans to me in Horry County’s Council Room one night and accidentally unveiled why he does what he does. He told me his family “is paying for I-73”. Well, obviously that wasn’t true or it would have been constructed by now, and if they are paying for I-73…well thank you for being our champions. I’ve met quite a few people with his last name and they were nice people, so don’t think bad of them all. David has just known nothing but going on the attack for years and years. Wouldn’t it be nice if he applied his energy to something positive for the Grand Strand for a change?

Those who do not want to work together are a real problem and they need to step down.
Remember who the dividers are at election time.
Your voice does count!

·     Those who do not live in the Myrtle Beach area are also jumping on their interstate, or multiple interstates, to fight against our first interstate. They are misinformed of the importance of I73 to our people and millions of others who visit the Grand Strand, and they obviously have their own agenda.

(February 2024 update: Will Folks of FitsNews is not even from the Grand Strand, but now he’s showing himself again as the loyal David Hucks (fake Myrtle Beach news boy) strategist that he is, working against our people and our nonstop hurricane evacuation route. Um, Dear Will Folks, you talk about corruption and changing things in South Carolina. Well…you once called your friend David Hucks "The Prophet”. Well if you look at Horry County’s Check Registers and the amount of money his relative has dropped into his family’s pockets while serving in office it’s apparent that you spelled “The Prophet” incorrectly. “The Profit” is pretty on target from what I’ve seen in the Check Registers when you watch how he has pulled his shenanigans for years, all the while attacking Myrtle Beach. Whoever gave the ability of an elected leader like Al Allen the right to act like the taxpayer dollars are a self-serve buffet while in office is just as guilty as he is. My opinion is that thieving in plain sight of the taxpayers has taken place for years in Horry County and it explains a lot and exactly how we got here with I-73, so please don’t jump on your interstate like a hero hypocrite to fight against our ability to move our people nonstop out to I-95 when the hurricanes come. Playing the money game and playing any kind of game with the lives of our people is wrong and dangerous. You Sir, just went down a few pegs with your loyalty to the unethical.)

WE THE PEOPLE are tired of obstructionists.

It’s Time To Build
Interstate 73 in SC!