About This Website
In 2019 I stepped out of my retirement life and comfort zone and into a journey I never imagined.
I stood up in support of what was right, and what is still is right: Getting I-73 in SC, a piece of interstate roadway constructed, the only permitted roadway that will move our people nonstop from the Myrtle Beach, South Carolina area out to I-95, its nearest interstate which is an hour to and a half from the Atlantic coast’s Grand Strand/Myrtle Beach area.
I stepped into much, much, more than I ever imagined.
This website is always in the process of being updated. It was purchased in 2019 by me for you, The People, when I stepped out of my happy retirement and into an Horry County Council Meeting Room. From there I stepped into many others as a nonpaid citizen advocate for a PERMITTED future road called I-73. I did so in our beautiful State of South Carolina and I rode all over the place in my car and spoke at meeting after meeting to try to warn leaders when they dropped the I-73 in SC ball and instead of working together engaged in a lawsuit that cost the taxpayers a ton of money in legal fees.
WE had a PERMITTED piece of the Greatest Roadway in America and it was not going to go down without a fight.
It took 5 frustrating days of working in my dear friend’s basement to get my website up and running. No, it’s not great and I apologize for that — but it got the message out there.
As far as my story goes I am retired, but I chose to come out of retirement to stand up for what was right. I called out what was wrong, and it’s a story of ups and downs. I did a ton of research and I found out what makes some do what they do.
I’ve seen it all — the good — the bad — and even the ugly.
I was lied about from the start by some who did not even know me, and others told falsehoods about me. Some, in 2019, told others I was paid by people. That is nothing but a lie. (Maybe they just can’t stand a strong woman who knows about the importance of the I-73 project, and maybe they just don’t like someone who stands up for what is right and calls out what is wrong. You be the judge.)
Some of the true champions in life fought hard to get the I-73 permit and it took decades to finally get it. From there the story got absolutely nuts and I saw it.
Some days were overwhelming. I’ve seen some things I never wanted to see. Some of the unethical even revealed themselves.
Needless to say, I’ve learned a lot from this experience and I don’t regret a moment of it.
Many people from all walks of life, from both sides of the political aisle, always supported I-73, our NONSTOP Hurricane Evacuation Route, our lifeline to better-paying jobs, economic advancement and diversity, and real transportation progress.
Many worked hard behind the scenes for years. They studied, researched, and debated I-73, facing the challenges along their path. I’m sure their road pressing on for I-73 wasn’t always easy either. Many, as a team, went to Washington DC and Columbia for years and years to fight for our people and I-73 in South Carolina. They fought for many and they did so with vision.
When the time is right I will acknowledge the true heroes “for the people” in more ways than one.
Though some of the I-73 champions are no longer with us…they made a difference in the world. They ran their race hard for I-73 and they ran their race unselfishly for others.
Some are still standing up for our piece of the Interstate and in time we shall see who finally crosses the finish line and gets the
I-73 bulldozers going in South Carolina.
I thought my path was to get I-73 built and it led me down another path…to see other things I did not want to see. Real leaders do not profit off the tax dollars while in office. It’s time to get them out.
It’s time for the great unveiling of corruption and those who crossed the unethical line to go.
My loyalty is to the majority and it always was.
If you did wrong, well that’s what you did and you will have a rough, rough road. I don’t applaud for your mistakes. I don’t applaud that you will have a rough road and will have to pay for them. It’s sad really, but you had choices.
Restoration of public trust matters and faith in humanity prevails when it is restored.
It matters to the majority and to those who come after us.
To the real champions in this thing called life, I applaud you and the majority applauds you.
Keep standing.
Keep fighting for what is right, and yes.. call out what is wrong.
It matters.
To those who supported my fight for what was right…through thick and thin…thank you.
July 15, 2024 Update: What can I say…they made me take off my flip flops and put my hardhat on again.
January 25, 2024 - This has been one crazy ride and now I step back into my happy retirement life again, I’ll grab the popcorn, sit back, and see who the REAL champions are. Watch all of them, make sure you show up when it’s time to check the box, and come join me when you can.
(Don’t fret. Some do see. They do care and they have the power to do what is right. It’s going to be okay…one way or the other…and people will do what they must do.)
P.S. “Build I-73 in South Carolina” or whatever you want to call our NONSTOP roadway out to I-95 from Myrtle Beach! NONSTOP and safety are the priority when it comes to being able to move our people AWAY from the east coast. Do your job. While you are doing YOUR job, WE THE PEOPLE are watching. Thank you.
Build I-73 in SC Car at the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk
Mom’s old Toyota Never Looked So Good and yes it was a crazy ride!
This I-73 in SC car wrap was paid for by me, Donna Kaloz, FOR THE PEOPLE.
I removed the wrap when I thought our leaders were doing what was right and some really ugly things also started to happen. (That’s what happens when you stand up for something big — the attacks begin.)
#toyotacamry #2004toyotacamry #beach #myrtlebeach $I73car #I73inSouthCarolina #I73 #Interstate73 #BuildI73inSCNowCar #BuildInterstate73car #DonaKaloz
can you Hear the people now?
“Life's a marathon, not a sprint.”
- Phillip C. McGraw
“I ran a 2-year marathon for you the people, unwrapped my car in October 2021, some individuals started acting up again, and I came back out of retirement to fight the fight for our residents and visitors again March 9, 2022.
Now, in 2023, I still adore where I live. I’ve got my popcorn in hand and will sit back and continue to watch closely to see who the real champions in this thing called life really are.
Stay strong, stay cool, and stay tuned.
Thank you to the real champions.
It’s time to finally cross the finish line for I-73 in South Carolina.”
- Donna S. Kaloz
I hate it when they make me take my flip flops off and put my I-73 hard hat back on.
(March 2022)
Build Intestate 73 in SC Now!
#Interstate73 #I-73 #I73 #horrycounty #southcarolina #grandstrand #infrastructure #hurricaneevacuationroute #travelefficiencyandsafety #jobs #newindustry #economicadvancement