i-73 news

RIDE IV referendum,
I-73 head to ballot box


Judge dismisses environmental group’s lawsuit against the I-73 project

horry county - myrtle beach area


We want it, but sometimes we just don’t get it.
the real i-73 story is filled with twists and turns, and a little bit more.

I’ve been going strong since August 2019 as a non-paid volunteer for the voice not heard, the voice of the majority who spoke for decades before the permitting of I-73 in South Carolina. I discovered games being played online with you the people by imposter online so-called reporters.

I-73 in South Carolina was permitted in 2017, and it is not just a “concept” as one so-called news outlet recently put it. This statement is a lie, so exactly who are you trusting in the media?

I’ve seen it all from the day I started as an advocate for I-73. We the people want to be able to trust our news media outlets. We want reporters to report. We do not want opinions, and we do not want things hidden from our sight because of political bias, personal agendas, conservation-backed outlets, and others.

grand strand and myrtle beach area
news stations are:




who are the culprits WORKING AGAINST I-73, suppressing I73 facts and
playing games with you?

www.myrtlebeachsc.com is NOT THE NEWS OR A TOURISM SITE AND King of DECEIVING, POLITICALLY AND PERSONALLY MOTIVATED WEBSITES. ) The URL doesn’t match who the website king really is. Freedom of Speech is NOT Freedom To Slander and Deceive. I met David Hucks who presents himself as a so-called “Investigative Reporter” and has a long history of being an online blogger, who along with others, would attack leaders and others who work for the City of Myrtle Beach at a Horry County Council Meeting in 2019. I wanted to know why he opposed I-73 and tried to calmly discuss I-73 with him right there in the council meeting room. He got all red in the face and blew his cork. He said his family is “paying for I-73”, accused me of being paid (lol I wish), and was promptly escorted out of the room by one of Horry County’s finest. Well, hallelujah if his family IS paying for I-73! They will be true heroes for millions if they do! David has been on the attack in Myrtle Beach for years and years, and wouldn’t it be nice if he focused his time and energy on something positive for a change. Watch David Hucks and his minions (some not even from here) in action. David likes to lure in our unsuspecting tourists to his website with Myrtle Beach in its name and then trashes Myrtle Beach and everyone in any kind of office. Watch as spin their conspiracy theories and attack any and every elected official standing up for I73. (Oh and by the way www.visitmyrtlebeach.com is our legitimate main tourism site. (David likes to play tourism site guy too.) Who lets someone like this run a website with Myrtle Beach in its name? Who lets this happen? This is dangerous for our area. David is still out there playing online games, trying to pit our area municipalities against each other promoting the voice of people who do not even live in Horry County. Who will be David Hucks’ next victim? Will it be you?

October 2023 Update: EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT TO THEIR OPINION ABOUT I73, BUT THEY DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO ACT UNETHICAL. In February 2023 an email directed to me from my Horry County Councilman mysteriously showed up on David Hucks’ website before I could even answer it. The topic was SELL-The Southern Evacuation Lifeline Road Project which is nowhere near permit. It still has a long, long way to go. The topic isn’t the important thing. It is unethical behavior that is repulsive. MY email from MY councilman was published and shared with the public, WITHOUT my consent or approval by David Hucks. I contacted David about it and he played stupid with me (I have the proof) and there it sits on his website because the unethical are allowed to do unethical things. I pegged David in my public comments about I-73 in May 2021, during an Horry County Council Meeting. Now in 2023, someone crossed the unethical line and after checking it appears Councilman Al Allen abused his office and provided my email to David Hucks. When that happened it turned a light on for me to dig deeper and after checking I found that Al Allen’s mother was a Hucks. So..the cat is out of the bag and they revealed and confirmed that David HAS been a tool of the councilman for years.

I’ve met a lot of really nice people named Hucks since moving to South Carolina in 2008, but never did I imagine a councilman who acts so upright would be so disappointing as a leader. What was even more disappointing was seeing that this same councilman’s family has an aviation company that has raked in an ENORMOUS amount of taxpayer dollars WHILE the councilman was, and still is, in office. The last time I checked the check registers, the amount was over one million dollars. How many other elected officials are doing the same thing? Are the financially powerful families grandfathered into the It’s Okay To Profit Off The Taxpayers While I’m In Office Club? Can you say CONFLICT of INTERESTS? Who lets this garbage continue? They are wrong and there is no making what they do as right. I don’t believe people elected Mr. Allen so he could profit while in office, but he has, and greed is an ugly thing.

In 2019 I also decided to put one of our so-called local newspapers and their website to the test. It is one to which we subscribed for many, many years. I wrote an important OP/ED about Interstate 73 and I looked for it for days online to no avail. I had to call the newspaper to inquire as to how to get to it. Needless to say, they hid it on their website behind a teeny tiny icon. They failed the FAKE NEWS TEST! The Sun News (aka www.myrtlebeachonline.com), fake news, also pretends to be our tourism site. We have an official tourism site in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and that is www.visitmyrtlebeach.com. The Sun News (Myrtle Beach) and The State (Columbia SC) are owned by the same people and play the same games against I-73.

The next runner ups in the slanted-news-websites award column working against I73 is MyHorryNews (Conway thinks they are going to fall off the map when I-73 is built and that will not happen when 20+ million people are coming to our region, and the number is climbing).

The Nerve has the nerve and peddles garbage to you the people as he sits by his interstate and fights against ours. He is not from here. (One of David’s minions)

Fits News aka FitsNews
(out of Columbia where there are multiple interstates) is not even close to news. (Another one of David’s minions), attacking anyone in a leadership role in South Carolina is their game, and pushing the propaganda and conspiracy bologna nonstop. They accuse everyone of wrongdoing and corruption, and this deceiver of the people has been in action for a long, long time. I met Will Folks of FITSNews many years ago and told him, face to face, that he seemed intelligent and too bad he wrote garbage. He said his mother agreed and I told him that he needed to listen to his mother. These minions have been at it for many, many years. Not much has changed since then. Wouldn’t it be nice if they too focused their time and energy on something positive for a change?

(May 2023 Update - I have watched Will Folks lately and he has cleaned up his act. He is looking much better and acting professionally as he helps unveil some of the culprits of the most unbelievable true crime committed in South Carolina. The misdeeds of those in financial power are being unveiled by many for the victims. I watched the Murdaugh Trial in its entirety, and oh my — it was tragic and so very sad. It was quite an eye-opener and an unveiling. Wrong is wrong, no matter who commits it or where it is committed, and thank you Mr. Folks for cleaning up your act and helping to unveil truly horrible, dirty deeds.)

The next winner is Post and Courier out of Charleston, South Carolina sit by their interstate and fight against ours. They are obviously, in my opinion sleeping with the Coastal Conservation League and it shows by the I-73 articles they publish. I never trusted them to be accurate when reporting about I-73. Never will.

MyHorryNews.com is another one who sleeps with conservationists who fight against I-73. Their history is a history of backward online polling and pushing other projects. (Remember — that is the job of a conservationist — to distract, halt, and delay so no new road is built.).

GrandStrandDaily.com is my most recent find of the deceivers. The site is NOT THE NEWS for the Grand Strand. It’s the political game with that one.

Phony, fake, politically slanted, deceptive online news websites hurt you the people. They diminish legitimate news sites and legitimate reporters.

Please do your own research.
Know where you get your info from.
Know who owns them.
Know who they are.
Know what they really represent.