I-73 Funding info and funding news

We have waited DECADES for I-73.


  • The Myrtle Beach area is an enormous economic engine for the State of South Carolina.

  • Columbia gets an enormous amount of money from our people.

  • The Federal Government gets an enormous amount of our money from us.

  • It’s high time we get some of our money back for I-73 and our current roads must be in tip-top shape!

  • Lives depend on it!

  • Will our elected leaders finally go the distance?

  • we the people will remember.

January 2023

I-73 funds, law enforcement pay raises included in McMaster's 2023-2024 budget

March 2022:

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham announces $15 million in federal funding to help complete I-73

January 2022:

Another headline in the news (January 16, 2022) headline read:


My remarks are as follows

History shows South Carolina Senator Peeler has never been a friend to I-73. Maybe it’s because his district, District 14, is Cherokee, Spartanburg, Union & York Counties. They do not have to flee from the coast when the hurricanes come and I’m sure he takes care of his region. For your information, his office phone number is 803-212-6430.

December 2021:

 North Myrtle Beach City Council voted unanimously Monday to commit money annually to fund I-73.  The resolution will contribute $1.7 million each year to fund the proposed interstate. 

Myrtle Beach City Council unanimously passed a resolution that committed $4.2 million annually for 30 years to the Interstate 73 project.

I-73 in South Carolina

We know interstates aren’t cheap and they don’t just fall out of the sky. It’s not “build I-73” or “take care of our current roads”. We must have both! It’s time I-73 is built, and in the meantime, all most-highly-traveled roads must also remain a priority and they must be enhanced wherever possible. The number-one way we get around in America is by automobile, whether they run on gas, electricity, or Jello.

I am no funding expert, and I leave that up to the experts, but I do know Myrtle Beach tourism is a financial engine for the State of South Carolina. Our tourism and tax dollars go to every level and it’s time our money comes back to us for I-73 in SC, and our taxes should not go up because we are a financial engine.

Is there really a funding problem or is our money being spent on non-priorities?

I-73 is no longer a wish and it is a must-build project. We must provide a safe, efficient hurricane evacuation route, and Horry County must stop sitting still and move forward with opportunities, jobs, and new industry.

I’m sure lots of people have their hands out for money for non-priorities. Priority Spending is a No-Brainer:

The Interstate System is the Greatest Roadway in America, built to the highest safety standards, and I-73 is an investment, not only in our region and state. It is an investment in the USA.

WE SHOULD HAVE THE BEST ROADS in the world, but we don’t.

Leaders need to get back to the priorities in America, and it is all about common-sense priority spending practice.

America IS opening its eyes to see what is really going on.

Thank you to the Champions who are fighting for our Interstate 73 construction to begin!