Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is located on the incredible Atlantic Ocean and at the center of 60 miles of sandy beach known as the Grand Strand.
A place for all ages, Myrtle Beach is filled with friendly people and wonderful places to live and visit while on your Myrtle Beach area beach vacation.
Yes indeed! We sure do “live on vacation” here on the Grand Strand, and yes indeed we are a top vacation destination that offers it all! That’s why people keep coming back time and time again for their beach vacation.
One of the many great things about here is that you can be in any of our friendly local communities on the Grand Strand in no time at all.
You can walk from a lot of hotels to many great restaurants and places to pick up those last-minute forgotten things, and whether you drive your own car, a rental, or use an Uber or Lyft, take my word for it you will love it here! (Don’t forget to check out the hotel deals and the air travel deals in advance.
Our Myrtle Beach Airport is great too!
Myrtle Beach is one of the fastest-growing areas for a reason!
It is absolutely amazing and all we need now is Interstate 73 to get our residents and millions of driving visitors in and out of here safely and efficiently! (We appreciate your support of our direct, safe roadway from Interstate 95 to Myrtle Beach.)
Click here for Myrtle Beach Weather Information as provided by www.visitmyrtlebeach.com
I love where the Grand Strand and you will too! #AtlanticOcean #GrandStrand #MyrtleBeach #SouthCarolina
Enjoy The Ride!
I have always loved getting out and exploring our beautiful Grand Strand I hope you enjoy a piece of my Myrtle Beach Area Gallery of Photos. Just click on the image for more information. (The 2023 Run To The Sun event is only one of many great events and the entire Myrtle Beach area is loaded with so many great places and friendly faces.